Population-wide analysis of hospital laboratory tests to assess seasonal variation and temporal reference interval modification
•Environmental- and dietary-driven seasonality in laboratory test data is well known•Population-wide Danish lab were related to mortality, sex, age trends•A seasonal reference interval modification method proposed•Seasonal improved association rates with diagnoses In health care, tests are used help determine a diagnosis follow patients over time. Test results typically calculated from sampled bodily fluids, taken millions of individuals every day. Reference intervals by clinicians quickly separate what considered normal possibly could be disease related. However, influenced external factors such as diet other exposures, including sunlight, which varies the year. This study demonstrates relevance application seasonally adjusted for purpose better interpreting at both physician science researcher levels. Using patients, we present re-classified showing long-term impact potentially reducing under- overdiagnoses advancing research real-world clinical whole. 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Approximately 0.5% (1.6 observations) contained qualitative color specimen genotyping excluded analysis.Table 1Data availability overviewFemaleMaleOverallntot∼160M, 51.8%∼150M, 48.2%∼310M, 100%nind∼1.06M, 55.2%∼0.86M, 44.8%∼1.92M, 100%Age (years)Mean (SD)59.0 (21.8)59.9 (20.4)59.4 (21.1)Median (min, max)63.2 (0, 110)64.6 110)64.0 110)RegionCapitol Region∼114M (71.0%)∼106M (71.5%)221M (71.2%)Region Zealand∼46.7M (29.0%)∼42.5M (28.5%)89.3M (28.8%)Unique PIDMean (SD)31.5 (20.9)31.9 (21.2)31.7 max)30 (1, 261)29 232)29 261)Total (SD)151 (311)173 (378)161 (343)Median max)56 16,400)53 1,900)55.0 1,900)This table gives general statistical overview examined 1A. Results show fairly consistent sexes regions. PID stands identification. Open tab After filtering stratum requirements described procedures, 1,924,869 1,545 (defined analyte-specimen pair) indications 2. With robustness visually 2, total 404 eligible seasonality. Parameter fits coordinated false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected p S1. Minimum algorithm resulted 169 fitted 110 significant amplitude and/or shifts (p < 0.05 FDR corrected). 3 summarizes main heatmap, stratified level. k-means clustering us cluster degree value highest. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon performed confirm day deemed = 0.26).Figure 3Heatmaps (denoted analyte-source pair)Show full caption(A) (with least one parament fit, FDR-corrected 0.05) six groups, empirically labeled seen based amplitude/offset cluster.(B) Similarly, remaining, non-significant clustered into three tendencies seen. Bluer peak
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عنوان ژورنال: Patterns
سال: 2023
ISSN: ['2666-3899']
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2023.100778